Reliable, Anonymous TONCOIN Mixer

Please enter your address to which the mixed TONCOIN will be forwarded to

Optional: Add a timedelay (from 0 to 48 hours without decimal places)

What is a timedelay for?

Optional: Your 8 digit long mixing code from your previous mixing orders

What is a mixing code for?

Please enter your address to which the mixed TONCOIN will be forwarded to

Address checksum not valid Address not valid

Amount you want to recieve
Amount you have to send

What is a timedelay for?

Timedelay in hours

What is a mixing code for?

Please enter your 8 digit long mixing code from previous mixing orders

Mixing code not valid

Please wait while we're generating your mixing job...


This address is valid for the next 48 hours (till UTC) and one transaction.
Make sure the address you're sending the TONCOIN from belongs to you and not an exchange (Important in the case of a refund. Read more in the FAQ.)
Also sending TONCOIN from or to a contract/multisig wallet is currently not supported.
Use our fee calculator to see the exact amound you would have to send to recieve what you like.

Available funds for mixing

Please do not send more TONCOIN than available, else your transaction will be refunded.

Your mixing code

What is this for?

Please take note of this mixing code and use it on your next mixing order with us to not recieve your old TONCOIN.

Letter of guarantee

What is this for?

Please download this and keep it securely stored.
For security/privacy reasons it is important to delete the file after recieving your mixed TONCOIN.

The server is currently under maintenance. Please try again later.

Your address is invalid. It might be the length or if it contained captial letters the address checksum didn't match up. Pleas try again with lowercase letters only.

The timedelay you set is invalid. Please make sure its between 0 and 48 hours.

The mixing code you provided is invalid. Please leave it empty or enter a valid one.

An unknown error happened. Feel free to contact us if this happens more often.

The TONCOIN address is invalid because the address belongs to a contract. Please us a standart non contract wallet.

Why mixing?

TONCOIN isn't anonymous by default. Everyone can see where your TONCOIN is going to or coming from. The key is to hide which address belongs to you. That's what we are here for. By using our service we will break the link between addresses for you!

How does it work?

After recieving your TONCOIN we will send you freshly premixed TONCOIN from our reserve directly to the address you've given to us. Your old TONCOIN will then be added to the reserve. In order to not recieve your old TONCOIN back next time you have to put in your mixing code you recieved on your first order. For further information please take a look at our FAQ.

What are your fees?

0.001 TONCOIN fixed per generated address and less than 2% on the remaining amount (minus the fixed fee). So if you would send us 1.001 TONCOIN you would recieve at least 0.98 TONCOIN (minus 0.001 TON fixed and minus less than 2%/0.02 TON variable). Please take a look at our fee calculator to make things easier.